Lista de aplicativos disponíveis
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Nesta página você encontrará informações atualizadas sobre todos os aplicativos innovaphone disponíveis na innovaphone App Store, incluindo aplicativos innovaphone de terceiros. Descubra as infinitas possibilidades dos aplicativos disponíveis para innovaphone myApps! Observe que não é possível comprar os aplicativos diretamente nesta página.

O innovaphone myApps, a solução de comunicação e trabalho colaborativo à medida de qualquer tipo e dimensão de empresa, já inclui um conjunto de funcionalidades, sem qualquer custo adicional. Essas funcionalidades são: telefonia, videochamadas, status de presença, chat, controle remoto de chamadas (RCC), opções de administração, integração Office e mobile, além de compartilhamento de tela.

Os seguintes aplicativos já estão incluídos por padrão no innovaphone PBX e, portanto, não precisam ser baixados ou instalados da innovaphone App Store: Phone App, Softphone App, Chat App, RCC App e PBX Manager App.

trizwo Blocklist

trizwo Blocklist

trizwo | Sem custos

The block list allows incoming (unwanted) calls to be rejected or forwarded to an individually definable destination simply via a graphical user interface.

trizwo Filterswitch

trizwo Filterswitch

trizwo | Licença innovaphone

Dialing filters of user objects can be changed via the Filterswitch app. A search function allows extensions to be found by name or phone number. The extensions that can be found via the app can be restricted via group memberships. The same applies to the filters that can be selected in the app.The app is separated into a user and an admin version. In the user version the search for extensions is available on a simple interface. on the one hand, the admin version allows the configuration of the app, on the other hand, there is the ability to switch filters of several extensions at the same time.As an example, the app can be used in hospitals or hotels to enable the receptionist to configure dialing permissions. Without the need for administration rights at the PBX.Only extensions included in configured groups can be found in the app.Any number of groups can be defined.Unlimited number of filters available for selection.Filters configured centrally in the PBX are transferred to the app.Simple interface in the user version.Switching of filters possible without admin permissions via Devices app or PBX manager.It is possible to configure which fields (phone numbers, names etc.) are used to find extensions.In the admin version many extensions can be changed simultaneously.

trizwo Jitsi

trizwo Jitsi

trizwo | Licença innovaphone

The trizwo Jitsi app consists of a user and an admin component.This app requires a licence for use in future versions greater than v13r2sr29 (131022).Please purchase a corresponding licence before the next update.With the latter, Jitsi video conference rooms can be predefined, which remain permanently available and can be entered with one click via the Jitsi User App.The trizwo Jitsi App thus simplifies the organisation of the conference rooms of the free Jitsi video conferencing solution and facilitates handling for repeated use. The conference rooms can either be created via the public free Jitsi server ( or via one's own.An extension with additional functionalities is in preparation.Important: The trizwo Jitsi app is currently only functional in the browser environment. It is expected that it will also be usable in the launcher from innovaphone version v13r3.Jitsi Meet in comparison with and without trizwo Jitsi AppJitsi Meet, the original Jitsi software, conceptually provides purely dynamic rooms for video conferences, which are accessible via an individual web URL link. This means that a room is only opened at the time of need and cannot be created on the server in advance.One level lower, a distinction must be made between the room name and the web access link.If a room is created as a moderator or initiator of a session, an invitation with the corresponding access link can be sent to this room via Jitsi Meet.After the last participant has left, the room is eliminated from the server and no longer exists.Once a room has been entered, however, it is noted in the browser cache of the respective users and is suggested to them when they call it up again.In reality, however, this room does not exist or no longer exists on the server at this time. It would only be (re-)created when it is called up by the first user with the corresponding rights.If the browser cache is cleared, the room or the room link is no longer known and cannot be used again.

trizwo Support

trizwo Support

trizwo | Licença innovaphone

The trizwo support app is designed to simplify support cases.The app is primarily aimed at innovaphone partners and administrators.The user can also be provided with an entry point for contacting user support.Features• Editable homepage. Contact information or procedural instructions can be stored here. Users:inside the telephone system receive contact information or links to the innovaphone partner's support.• The homepage can be edited using an integrated editor.• Configuration files and system logs are required in order to open a support ticket with innovaphone support in case of an error. The report function can be used to retrieve all necessary files and logs from relevant devices and combine them into a packed report as a ZIP file.• The list maker enables information of the user objects in the PBX to be read out as dynamically configurable lists and to be stored in different.

trizwo Tagesschau

trizwo Tagesschau

trizwo | Sem custos

The trizwo Tagesschau app displays the daily news from the Tagesschau in a clear feed.

trizwo WQ Status

trizwo WQ Status

trizwo | Licença innovaphone

The trizwo WQ Status app displays a simple status overview of calls in a waiting queue within the app. Users of the app see an overview of the number of calls on hold on a well-structured status screen. In addition, the phone number or the name resolved by the PBX as well as the time the call has been on hold is displayed for each call.The trizwo WQ Status App collects the number of calls as well as their standby time and displays them in an overseeable waiting queue.Therefore, a detailed list of the duration of the sequence of call events is generated. The measured values are allocated for access through Prometheus and for processing by Grafana via a web server in the app.This app requires a licence for use in future versions greater than v13r2sr29 (131022).Please purchase a corresponding licence before the next update.

Conte conosco


Cada empresa é única, com requisitos individuais em constante evolução. As soluções da innovaphone são ajustadas e adaptadas de forma flexível às necessidades atuais de sua empresa. Entre em contato conosco e teremos o maior prazer em fornecer mais informações e identificar a melhor solução para o cenário específico de sua empresa. 

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