In the maritime and marina industry, the demand concerning pure IP communications solutions to efficiently connect and network with surrounding systems continues to grow.
Security is also a central factor in this sector: maximum availability of the communications solution is a mandatory basic requirement.
With the globally recognized DNV approval, innovaphone products can also be used on high seas. DNV certification, which was created by the merger of Det Norske Veritas and Germanischer Lloyd, is based on strict standards for use on seagoing vessels, freight, container and work ships as well as high-speed crafts and mobile offshore units.
The innovaphone VoIP gateway IP811, the IP phone IP111 and the analog adapter IP29-8 underwent a rigorous test procedure for certification.
The entire innovaphone PBX communication system carries the DNV system approval. This qualifies the innovaphone communication solution as a certified and authorized automatic telephone system for the maritime industry.
...innovaphone offers communications solutions for the maritime and shipping industry.
If you are looking for a DNV approved telephony solution for the maritime sector, give us a phone call, a video call or send us an e-mail to get in touch.
If an emergency situation (e.g. fire warning, passenger / staff assumed over board) occurs, crew members and passengers can be contacted as follows:
should capsizing occur, rescue teams can be contacted via satellite
Accessibility within the different sections of a ship is of utmost importance, including the steering / maneuvering of the ship as well as the emergency scenarios:
Cruise ships can be compared to swimming hotels so passengers should always get the same level of comfort that they would be expecting in a regular hotel:
Seamless flow of daily work routines (staff):
innovaphone provides individual solutions which meet every business requirement to equip any type of company. Due to its modularity and scalability, the system can be expanded and adapted to changing business needs: