innovaphone Licenses V15
Feature Licenses


1. Video License

A flexible solution for desktop video telephony is integrated in the innovaphone Phone app and Softphone app. The video connection can be started automatically with the call partners, three-party conference calls are also possible without additional equipment. The Video license also allows you to participate in innovaphone video conferences.


Per video user


  • This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – irrespective of the usage.
  • The Video license version must be greater than or the same as the PBX software version being used (License Version).
  • Video is also part of the UC license (UC License).
  • The video functionality is integrated within the Phone app and Softphone app. Please note that this video functionality cannot be used unless the Phone app has also been licensed (Phone App License).

Overview of the Video license data

  Video License
License type PBX-Video15
Article number 02-00032-001



2.  Application Sharing License

A flexible Application Sharing solution for screen sharing is integrated in the innovaphone Phone app and Softphone App. One click is needed to activate the Application Sharing / screen sharing session with the other parties; three-party conference calls are also possible without additional equipment.


Per Application Sharing user


  • This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – irrespective of the usage.
  • The Application Sharing license version must be greater than or the same as the PBX software version being used (License Version).
  • Application Sharing is also part of the UC license (UC License).
  • The Application Sharing functionality is integrated within the Phone app and Softphone app. Please note that this Application Sharing functionality cannot be used unless the Phone app has also been licensed (Phone App License).

Overview of the Application Sharing license data

  Application Sharing License
License type PBX-AppSharing15
Article number 02-00045-001




3. Voicemail User License (incl. Voicemail App)

The innovaphone Voicemail allows any number of voicemail boxes for PBX subscribers or groups to be available in the innovaphone PBX. If a user / group is not available, callers can leave a voicemail message. A Message Waiting signal (lamp or text / icon on the phone display), an email message or notification in the Voicemail app informs the user / group that there is a message waiting.


Per Voicemail user / per Voicemail group


  • This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user or a Voicemail group on the PBX – irrespective of the usage.
  • With a V15 Voicemail User license it is not possible to downgrade to a V9 Voicemail license or older. It is not possible to use the V15 Voicemail User license in PBX installations with version 9 or older.
  • The Voicemail User license version must be greater than or the same as the PBX software version being used (License Version).
  • Voicemail is also part of the UC license (UC License).

Overview of the Voicemail User license data

  Voicemail User License
License type PBX-VoicemailUser15
Article number 02-00041-004


Mandatory for following apps

  • Voicemail App


4. Mobility License

The Mobility license enables mobile subscribers to be integrated in the PBX. This makes it possible to operate a mobile telephone as well as a desktop phone or softphone in parallel. The mobile phone is recognized by the PBX as an internal subscriber, thus becoming an extension on the PBX. For additional functionalities, we recommend that the innovaphone Softphone be implemented as an app on the smartphone or as a browser application or via the RCC App.



Per Mobility user


  • This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – irrespective of the usage.
    The Mobility license version must be greater than or the same as the PBX software version being used (License Version)
  • Mobility is also part of the UC license (UC License).

Mandatory for following apps

  • RCC App

Overview of the Mobility license data

  Mobility License
License type PBX-Mobility15
Article number 02-00027-005



5. Reporting License (incl. Reports App)

The innovaphone Reporting application allows for calls to be analyzed within the PBX. The results are shown in the Reports App. Respective filters and sorting mean call information is processed as needed and stored in form of a PDF or XML file. The application runs on the App Platform and is based on a database in which Call Detail Records (CDR) are processed.


Per port requiring Reporting. This port is then included in the analysis.


  • This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – irrespective of the usage.
  • The Reporting license version must be greater than or the same as the PBX software version being used (License Version).


Overview of the Reporting license data

  Reporting License
License type PBX-Reporting15
Article number 02-00042-002


Mandatory for following apps

  • Reports App


6. Recording License (incl. Recordings App)

innovaphone Recording is a tool to flexibly record phone calls. It is ideal for critical areas of use, for example if a phone call is legally binding or if the recording of calls is necessary for safety reasons. The user has the option to either record entire phone calls or only sections of calls. Call recording can either be set up automatically by the admin or manually by the individual user. It is irrelevant which end device is being used to record calls. Phone calls can be recorded with all IP phones, the softphone, analog phones, DECT phones and with smartphones.
The recordings are displayed, played back, deleted and downloaded within the Recordings App.



  • Each user/extension whose calls are to be recorded requires a Recording license.


  • The allocation of which user is to be recorded takes place via the user object in the PBX. This user must be allocated an app license of the type App(innovaphone-recorder).
  • At least one user with a Recording license must be involved when recording waiting queues, conference rooms and at the gateway.


Overview of the Recording license data

  Recording License
License type App(innovaphone-recorder)15
Article number 02-00050-008


Mandatory for following apps

  • Recordings App


7. Fax License (incl. Fax App)

The innovaphone Fax solution enables faxes to be sent and received – without needing a separate fax server or additional software. The Fax App allows PDF documents to be sent to fax recipients and faxes can be received as PDF documents. With the Fax2Mail function, fax documents can also be received directly in the own email inbox, and forwarded with one single click. With the Fax2Mail function, faxes can be sent directly from the own e-mail account.

In order to register the fax interface and the fax object with each other, a Port license is required in addition to the Fax license.



Per fax user


  • This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – irrespective of the usage.
  • The Fax license version must be greater than or the same as the PBX software version being used (License Version).
  • Fax is also part of the UC license (UC License).

Overview of the Fax license data

  Fax license
License type Fax15
Article number 02-00030-001


Mandatory for the app

  • Fax App
  • Port license


8. Contact Widgets License

With the Contact Widgets App, web admins can create, manage and delete contact widgets for the website. There are two types of widgets: A sidebar widget which can be placed at the bottom of the screen or on the right-hand side, and a business cards widget. The app further provides a variety of adjustable design elements to match the corporate design. Changes are transferred in real-time.


Per contact widget


  • The Contact Widgets License white-lables individual widgets
  • One license corresponds to one sidebar widget or set of business cards widget: Without the license, the widget always includes advertisement

Overview of the Contact Widgets license data

  Contact Widgets License
License type PBX-Service(innovaphone-widgets)15
Article number  02-00050-013


Requirements for this app:

  • One port license
  • One UC license

9. Remote Control License

The Remote Control App is used to remotely access a computer. It can further be used as a digital collaboration tool between users within a company or outside of outside of a company, regardless of whether myApps is installed or not.

Available for myApps Windows Client from V14r2


Each parallel session requires a license


  • This license is service-based
  • Each parallel session requires a license
  • The Remote Control version which is free of charge includes one active session with all functions within a company.

Overview of the Remote Control license data

  Remote Control License
License type PBX-Service(innovaphone-remotecontrol)15
Article number  02-00050-015


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