Conference App
Online Meetings and Video Conferences with myApps

What does the Conference App Offer?

With its well-structured user interface, the Conference app allows admins to set up and manage virtual conference rooms via mouse click. Users will enter virtual meeting rooms and join online meetings directly via myApps (one app icon for each myApps meeting room). They can further create invitations and administer dial-in PINs for enhanced security.

Conference App

The organizer / administrator of a myApps meeting has several options to moderate and guide the initiated meeting. It is possible to see at a glance who is participating in the conference and who is currently speaking. The organizer can mute or remove participants from a meeting.

Inviting others to Virtual myApps Meetings

Users schedule myApps meetings and send invitations to these virtual meetings directly within the Conference app. Invitations are either sent via e-mail or as a calendar entry (.ics file). One great advantage of the innovaphone Conferencing solution is that both, internal participants (colleagues) as well as external participants (e.g. clients or partners from other businesses) can join into the same online meeting.

Screenshot Einladungen Conference App

The e-mail invitation contains following information: a weblink for external participants to join via browser, a phone number to join the meeting via telephone and a link for internal participants who can join directly via myApps. The sent calendar entry provides the same information. Users can copy the weblink from within the Conference app and send this link via other means of communication.

Screenshot der Conference App, Home Screen und Badgecount

One Client for All Virtual Meeting Rooms

In the communications client myApps, each meeting room is displayed with its very own Conference app. Users will need the authorization given by the administrator. Further, the admin can assign any number of conference rooms per user. A badge count at the Conference app icon indicates how many people have already entered the virtual room.

myApps Tutorial - Conference App

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Advantages for Users

  • Schedule virtual meetings & send invitations
  • User-friendly & intuitive interface
  • All participants present in the conference room displayed
  • Badge count of the respective Conference app helps check the capacity of a room
  • Send invitations via e-mail or send calendar entries to invite internal & external participants
  • Enhanced security with exchangeable dial-in PINs

Do You Need Help?


Please feel free to use our contact form to get in touch with us if you have any questions.

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