Certificate Attests to High Information Security:

innovaphone Certified According to ISO 27001

Sindelfingen, 7 February 2024 - The secure, trustworthy handling of data is a valuable asset, both for the company’s own data and for customer data. innovaphone, the Sindelfingen-based manufacturer of the modern business platform myApps, is now certified according to the strict criteria of the ISO 27001 standard. This means that innovaphone’s customers and business partners can rely on their data being protected in the best possible way in accordance with clearly defined standards.

The ISO 27001 standard [ISO/IEC 27001:2017] provides proof that a company has imposed particularly comprehensive security regulations on itself – thus something that is already mandatory for companies in the critical infrastructure sectors is also becoming increasingly interesting for companies from other sectors: namely, certification in accordance with the leading international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). “At innovaphone, we process information entrusted to us by customers and business partners, as well as our own data in line with defined, strict processes. This creates trust, especially among our many public sector clients and other customers in the critical infrastructure sectors. The ISO 27001 standard was the next important step following on from our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications,” explains Dagmar Geer, CEO, innovaphone AG.

ISO 27001 Aufschrift vor Händen, die auf einem Laptop tippen mit einem Schloss Symbol davor

In his position as ISO 27001 officer at innovaphone, Domenico Cicero and his team screen all relevant processes and compare them with the strict ISO guidelines, initiating any measures that become necessary. “The ISO 27001 standard is not just about company data security. It also deals with the entire information security management process, including physical security – such as security of company buildings and existing hardware – as well as backup management, licence management, network security, clean desk policy and much more,” explains Domenico Cicero. “Our modern company building together with our process management processes, which already complied with the rules even before we started the certification process, meant we already had an excellent starting point to meet the certification criteria.

Having successfully completed the ISO 27001 audit, innovaphone was awarded the certification, which officially confirms that the company’s security processes and measures in the area of information security comply with the internationally recognised, strict standard.

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