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With the Provisioning DECT app for Yealink, Yealink DECT devices can easily and quickly be integrated into an existing innovaphone PBX. All you need for the configuration (provisioning) of the respective end devices is the corresponding MAC address of the device. The Yealink phones that have been provisioned can then be managed via the Devices app.The app is a representative example for the integration of additional IP phones from other manufacturers. With our completely open and expandable platform architecture of myApps, we enable the development of provisioning apps for end devices from almost any manufacturer.
With the Provisioning DECT app for Yealink, Yealink DECT devices can easily and quickly be integrated into an existing innovaphone PBX. All you need for the configuration (provisioning) of the respective end devices is the corresponding MAC address of the device. The Yealink phones that have been provisioned can then be managed via the Devices app.The app is a representative example for the integration of additional IP phones from other manufacturers. With our completely open and expandable platform architecture of myApps, we enable the development of provisioning apps for end devices from almost any manufacturer.
Unternehmen haben individuelle Anforderungen, die sich auch ändern können. innovaphone Lösungen lassen sich bedarfsgerecht zusammenstellen und jederzeit flexibel anpassen. Gerne beraten wir Sie dabei.