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disponibles para myApps

En esta página encontrará información actualizada acerca de todas las aplicaciones disponibles en el innovaphone App Store, tanto aplicaciones innovaphone como de nuestros Partner Apps. ¡Descubra las posibilidades infinitas de las aplicaciones disponibles para innovaphone myApps! Por favor, tenga en cuenta que no es posible adquirir las aplicaciones directamente desde esta página.

innovaphone myApps, la solución de comunicaciones y trabajo colaborativo a la medida de cualquier tipo y tamaño de empresa, ya incluye una serie de funcionalidades sin coste adicional. Estas funcionalidades son: telefonía, videollamada, estado de presencia, chat, control remoto de llamadas (RCC), opciones de administración, integración Office y móvil, así como compartición de pantalla.

Las siguientes aplicaciones ya están incluidas por defecto en la PBX innovaphone, por lo que no es necesario descargarlas ni instalarlas desde el innovaphone App Store: Phone App, Softphone App, Chat App, RCC App y PBX Manager App.

Analytics is the simple, comprehensive and visualized way of evaluating calls to reduce unanswered calls and optimize your business processes. You can easily keep track of a lot of data, mobile on a smartphone or on your pc monitor or a big screen for everyone.

byon callpoint

byon callpoint

byon GmbH | Licencia vía partner

With byon callpoint, byon offers a comprehensive telephone conference platform as a service. This enables the fast and uncomplicated organization of telephone conferences with customers, partners or for team meetings. Functions such as: security PIN, access control, participant overview, moderator function and many more make the callpoint platform a useful conference tool.In order to use the full range of functions of the byon telephone conferencing plattform, additional licenses must be purchased directly from byon. For a consultation as well as a test setup, please contact us at

byon LineSelect

byon LineSelect

byon GmbH | Licencia vía partner

Selectable call number display for external telephony.The byon LineSelect App is designed for companies with teams or employees, that need to display different phone numbers for external calls. In the byon LineSelect Admin App, multiple lines with different phone numbers can be created and assigned to specific profiles. These profiles are then distributed to the employees. In the byon LineSelect User App the employees can select their required profile and change the outgoing phone number as needed.

The byon vACD app allows users to access the byon contact center software (vACD) from the innovaphone myApps interface. This gives users the ability to manage and view key features of the vACD agent view. The integration provides a better user experience and eliminates the need to switch to a separate program or browser. In order to use the full range of functions of the byon vACD app, additional licenses must be purchased directly from byon. For a consultation as well as a test setup, please contact us at

byon vTK Portal

byon vTK Portal

byon GmbH | Licencia vía partner

With the byon vTK Portal, customers of the byon vTK (telephone system from the cloud, based on innovaphone systems, such as IPVA or innovaphone Gateway) receive a powerful tool for managing their cloud telephone system. The functions include: Create and manage users, create groups and assign calls, manage devices and licenses, create and edit queues and announcements, view statistics and reports, bulk edit and manage user objects and much more. How you can use the byon vTK portal, which by the way is whitelabel capable and can be provided with your logo and colors, optimally for you or your customers, we will be happy to tell you in a personal consultation. Please feel free to contact us at

With byon WhoIsOn for innovaphone myApps you get an app, which displays the presence statuses of Microsoft Teams members and those of innovaphone PBX users in one interface. This means you have all participants from both worlds available in one view. In the free version of this app, it is possible to connect a client in Microsoft Teams (this requires the byon WhoIsOn Microsoft Teams app - for more information see the byon WhoIsOn article in the innovaphone Wiki) and a client from innovaphone myApps. In order to display the users, as well as their presence status from Microsoft Teams, further settings in your Microsoft Azure environment are required (- for more information see byon WhoIsOn article in the innovaphone Wiki)

Call Forward allows one or more users to configure call forwarding for other users and PBX objects.Till october 2024 you can use this app without a license

Callback Manager

Callback Manager

effexx | Licencia innovaphone

The Callback Manager app adds a new feature to the innovaphone solution. A large number of objects can be monitored and missed calls can be recorded in a list for processing. Daily call statistics are also generated.Since it is a service license, no user license is required. Therefore, any number of users can be authorized to the callback list and use it.

Callback2 is an app, which manages the callbacks of your company. Instead using email, paper, you got a modern interface for myApps that is compatible with your smartphone. In the Interface you can manage your own callbacks and have the possibility to create callbacks for other users. Every callback has a priority level, a status and an optional notice. These attributes can be changed by the sender or creator. Callbacks can be passed to other users or when finished moved into a history. All data changes of a callback are saved and can be seen by the users related to this. If you want, you could use the app to do some call notice instead of callbacks.Callback2 is the successor of the Callback App, with Team functionality. Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access.



innovaphone AG | Sin coste

La Conference App permite a los administradores crear y gestionar salas de reunión virtuales: desde una interfaz de usuario sencilla e intuitiva y en un par de clics. Los usuarios pueden gestionar varias salas a través de la App, generar invitaciones o asignar un PIN de acceso.

Connector for Microsoft Teams Phone

Connector for Microsoft Teams Phone

SkyTelecom GmbH | Licencia innovaphone

The Connector for Microsoft Teams Phone allows for a straightforward connection of individual Microsoft Teams users to your innovaphone PBX. Simply log in to your Microsoft 365 account, and Microsoft Teams Direct Routing will be configured automatically. Assign phone numbers and users with just a few clicks, making setup a breeze.​ Signaling and voice transmission are encrypted and take place via our CloudSBC with server locations exclusively in Germany, requiring no additional hardware or software.

La Contact Widget App permite crear, eliminar y gestionar widgets de contacto (en formato barra lateral o tarjeta de visita). La aplicación ofrece diversos elementos de diseño personalizables para integrarlos fácilmente en un diseño corporativo y adoptar cambios en tiempo real.

La Devices App permite visualizar y gestionar todos los dispositivos – tanto gateways VoIP como terminales - de una instalación física o en la nube. Desde aquí, se lleva a cabo la instalación de copias de seguridad y actualizaciones.



aurenz GmbH | Sin coste

La aplicación DynamicTeams le permite transformar un grupo de usuarios regular en un equipo de servicio flexible en el que los agentes pueden entrar y salir del grupo de forma independiente en función de las necesidades. El estado de presencia de los agentes se muestra para cada equipo.

With EasyConnect, XQTING makes it easy to integrate with innovaphone. It makes REST APIs available and, via webhooks, the EasyConnect app can notify your (low code) application of certain events, such as call monitoring or administrative changes.

Favorite Contacts

Favorite Contacts

MediaRunway | Licencia innovaphone

Favorite Contacts allows to manage more than 32 contacts in groups for quick access. So communication over multiple departments, locations and with federation is quicker and more comfortable.Licensing: One license per service (pbx-system), no user license needed.

Gigaset Provisioning

Gigaset Provisioning

Gigaset Communications GmbH | Sin coste

With the Gigaset Provisioning App it is possible to automatically add and remove DECT devices via IPUI provisioning on the Gigaset Nx70 IP DECT. In addition, the LDAP configuration can be provisioned.

comteloGROUPS brings structure to your call groups. If you want to work together efficiently, this app has many advantages. Thanks to the user-friendly interface, waiting ques are clearly summarized and provide information on the status of the groups and their participants. Which participants can currently be reached in my group? Who is available or has an appointment right now? Are there static participants in my group who are permanently assigned to it and therefore always accept calls? These are just a few examples that the comteloGROUPS app makes visible. The practicality of the app is supplemented with additional functions, such as a call directly from the app or the chat button for short messages in between. Take efficient collaboration to a new level with comteloGROUPS!Short summary of the most important features:Display waiting queues and their membersDisplay waiting queue statusDisplay user status of membersDisplay call forwardingChange your own waiting queue statusCall and chat with members

Hotdesk allows an easy change of telephones when you change your workplace. This can be done by one click in the windows myApps Client. Tested with innovaphone and SNOM telephones.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access.

ilink CRM Extensions

ilink CRM Extensions

ilink | Licencia innovaphone

ilink CRM Extensions is a slim and flexible Windows application for inbound caller recognition and for dialing phone numbers through company phones with a click. And it works in home offices, too!A popup window displays information like caller name, company, location, and phone number for inbound calls. This information is directly taken from your CRM system, from your address book, or from public telephone directories. Using the „Open Contact“ button, the user directly opens the corresponding contact view of his CRM client. Dial with single click from many CRM systems, or use the hotkey to dial from almost all Windows applications.Supported CRM systems include:Act!, Datev, Goldmine Premium Edition, HCL Connections, HCL Notes, HubSpot, Maximizer CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Outlook + Exchange Public Folder, Netsuite, ODBC databases - customizing through SQL commands, Sage CRM,, Sugar CRM, Tigerpaw CRM, vCard / LDAP.Supported online telephone books: (Germany), Das Örtliche (Germany), (Switzerland), (Switzerland), (Austria), (USA).

myPhoneKeys permite el manejo y configuración de teléfonos de sobremesa (IP11x, IP10x, IP2x2 e IP1x0) en remoto: configuración de teclas de función, activar/desactivar desvíos de llamada, silenciar el teléfono, etc.)

El PBX Designer para innovaphone es una app de administración para la PBX local y permite una configuración simplificada y preparada gráficamente sin necesidad de utilizar el PBX Manager innovaphone. El PBX Designer pone a disposición la administración de las siguientes funciones de forma preparada: - Configuración del servidor de fax- Fax de grupo- Configuración del buzón de voz- Buzón de voz de grupo- Clip sin filtro- Archivos de audio (carga incl. conversión automática, grabación, reproducción y borrado) - Grupos de recogida de llamadas, incluida la programación de teclas - Grupos de ejecutivos/secretarios, incluida la programación clave - Interruptor temporizador - Sincronización de la bolsa - Música en espera - Diseñador de flujo de llamadas El diseñador de flujos de llamadas integrado permite al usuario de la aplicación diseñar flujos de llamadas de forma gráfica. Los flujos individuales pueden ser etiquetados y cada paso puede ser anotado. La compleja anidación e integración de anuncios, funciones DTMF, agentes, desvíos de llamadas o temporizadores están disponibles de forma simplificada, al igual que la integración de un buzón de voz o la referencia a otros flujos.

PBX-Designer [GROUP]

PBX-Designer [GROUP]

K-Businesscom | Licencia vía partner

El PBX Designer puede activarse mediante varios modelos de licencia. Al activar la función GRUPO, se dispone de las siguientes características: Gestionar grupos de recogida de llamadasLas teclas de función de recogida se pueden configurar de forma individual y globalAdministración de grupos de secretarios ejecutivosTeclas de función para ejecutivo y secretaria ajustables La instalación de todas las versiones de PBX Designer es idéntica y sólo es necesaria una vez. La activación de las distintas funciones se realiza mediante la importación de una clave de licencia.

La Phone App integra todas las funcionalidades de la telefonía clásica, tales como: marcación, colgar, aparcar llamada, conferencia a tres, transferencia de llamada, desvíos de llamada, funcionalidad pickup, etc. Además, también permite la videotelefonía y compartir archivos.

Phone Control allows the user to mute his phone in homeoffice while beeing in the office and vice versa. The user also gets a list of phone devices where he is currently logged in.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access.



MediaRunway | Sin coste

Presence Favorites allows the creation of personal Presence Favorites. You can set the presence status color, the text and a time for how long this presence status should remain set before switching back to green/present. This way you can prevent forgetting to adjust the presence status after e.g. a fixed lunch break time.

Provisioning DECT

Provisioning DECT

Yealink | Sin coste

With the Provisioning DECT app for Yealink, Yealink DECT devices can easily and quickly be integrated into an existing innovaphone PBX. All you need for the configuration (provisioning) of the respective end devices is the corresponding MAC address of the device. The Yealink phones that have been provisioned can then be managed via the Devices app.The app is a representative example for the integration of additional IP phones from other manufacturers. With our completely open and expandable platform architecture of myApps, we enable the development of provisioning apps for end devices from almost any manufacturer.

Queue Board is an easy way to improve the quality of your corporate communication by using this app to get an overview (live and the supervisor also historical) of the waiting time and the number of callers. You can see how many callers and after how long these callers gave up the wait. Give each individual team member (call agent) and the supervisor an easy way for all team members to log in or out of the group. If you want to keep an eye on several waiting queues at the same time, simply open the desired waiting queues next to each other on the supervisor monitor or visible to the team on a larger display. The information can just as well be viewed mobile on a smartphone. In addition, the following can be configured in the app: wrap-up time, how active agents are counted, alarm thresholds and the resetting of values. A supervisor can also be a call agent at the same time.

La RCC App (Remote Call Control App) permite manejar cualquier dispositivo para realizar o recibir llamadas a través de la UI intuitiva de myApps. El usuario está siempre localizable en su número de extensión habitual, con independencia del dispositivo en uso o de si se trata de una llamada entrante o saliente.

Recordings App permite la grabación de llamadas y su reproducción de forma ordenada y sencilla. Se trata de la aplicación perfecta para la grabación de llamadas en infraestructuras críticas o con relevancia contractual.



effexx | Sin coste

The Sendnumber app allows users to choose which phone number they want to use to make outgoing calls. All extensions of existing waiting queue objects are automatically available for configuration. 

SNcom VccClient

SNcom VccClient

SNcom GmbH | Sin coste

The SNcom-VccClient app is a powerful extension for the Voxtron Communication Center, offering agents an optimized work environment. Hosted in myApps, this app allows agents in the Voxtron Communication Center to easily log in via the myApps application without the need for an additional Voxtron client application, change their personal status, and efficiently handle intelligently allocated phone calls through the VCC. Another feature is the synchronization between the VCC agent status and innovaphone Presence, ensuring up-to-date status information at all times. With its responsive design, the app is perfectly usable on both the desktop and mobile version of myApps.

La Softphone App permite hacer y recibir llamadas de audio y vídeo. Para ello, lo único que se necesita es un dispositivo con conexión a internet equipado con entrada y salida de audio y cámara (para videollamadas).

comteloSUPERVISOR brings supervisor capability. If you want to work together efficiently, this app has many advantages.

La Switchboard App integra las funcionalidades de una consola de operadora profesional en la PBX innovaphone, permitiendo una gestión sencilla y eficiente de las llamadas entrantes y de las transferencias de llamada.

trizwo Blocklist

trizwo Blocklist

trizwo | Sin coste

The block list allows incoming (unwanted) calls to be rejected or forwarded to an individually definable destination simply via a graphical user interface.

trizwo Filterswitch

trizwo Filterswitch

trizwo | Licencia innovaphone

Dialing filters of user objects can be changed via the Filterswitch app. A search function allows extensions to be found by name or phone number. The extensions that can be found via the app can be restricted via group memberships. The same applies to the filters that can be selected in the app.The app is separated into a user and an admin version. In the user version the search for extensions is available on a simple interface. on the one hand, the admin version allows the configuration of the app, on the other hand, there is the ability to switch filters of several extensions at the same time.As an example, the app can be used in hospitals or hotels to enable the receptionist to configure dialing permissions. Without the need for administration rights at the PBX.Only extensions included in configured groups can be found in the app.Any number of groups can be defined.Unlimited number of filters available for selection.Filters configured centrally in the PBX are transferred to the app.Simple interface in the user version.Switching of filters possible without admin permissions via Devices app or PBX manager.It is possible to configure which fields (phone numbers, names etc.) are used to find extensions.In the admin version many extensions can be changed simultaneously.

trizwo WQ Status

trizwo WQ Status

trizwo | Licencia innovaphone

The trizwo WQ Status app displays a simple status overview of calls in a waiting queue within the app. Users of the app see an overview of the number of calls on hold on a well-structured status screen. In addition, the phone number or the name resolved by the PBX as well as the time the call has been on hold is displayed for each call.The trizwo WQ Status App collects the number of calls as well as their standby time and displays them in an overseeable waiting queue.Therefore, a detailed list of the duration of the sequence of call events is generated. The measured values are allocated for access through Prometheus and for processing by Grafana via a web server in the app.This app requires a licence for use in future versions greater than v13r2sr29 (131022).Please purchase a corresponding licence before the next update.

VIP Call allows you to create a Fastlane ticket for VIP customers and other calls using a PIN. So that a team can be prioritized or an employee can be reached directly. This enables a better experience on both sides of the phone line, can speed up processes and increase customer satisfaction.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access. For licensing and test licensing please contact myApps-sales@mediarunway.comYou can find out the current price at

La Voicemail App gestiona el acceso al buzón de voz. Todos los mensajes de voz están disponibles para el usuario, que puede acceder a ellos y reproducirlos de forma individual.

This application allows you to manage the wake-up service of a hotel. The user with access to the application (usually the hotel reception), assigns to a room the date and time in which he wishes to be woken up. Wakemeup makes the automatic call at the established date and time. The call queue is configured to load the audio file that wakemeup  should play during the call. The application records the result of the call. Licensing One license per user with any number of devices Specifics This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – independent of the usage (no Floating)!

La App permite la integración sencilla y rápida de dispositivos Yealink en la PBX innovaphone. Para ello, lo único que se necesita es la dirección MAC de los mismos. Los teléfonos Yealink aprovisionados pasan a gestionarse a través de la aplicación Devices App.

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