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Room manager is an application that allows you to manage the check-in and check-out of hotel clients. It also allows you to manage the control of the cleaning status of the rooms. The main functions of the room manager are the following: room management, registration of clients in the room, check-in and check-out, filter of available rooms, filter of clean rooms. The room cleaning control can be managed from the app and also allows you to change the status by using a combination of keys on the room telephone. With an intuitive interface, it allows the hotel reception to have complete control of the status of the rooms. Licensing One license per user with any number of devices Specifics This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – independent of the usage (no Floating)!

Sites manager is an application that allows you to centrally and easily manage access to a company's corporate applications (ERP, CRM, other information systems, etc. Licensing One license per user with any number of devices Specifics This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – independent of the usage (no Floating)!

This application allows you to manage the wake-up service of a hotel. The user with access to the application (usually the hotel reception), assigns to a room the date and time in which he wishes to be woken up. Wakemeup makes the automatic call at the established date and time. The call queue is configured to load the audio file that wakemeup  should play during the call. The application records the result of the call. Licensing One license per user with any number of devices Specifics This license is user-based. This license is debited if the function is configured for a user on the PBX – independent of the usage (no Floating)!

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