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With byon callpoint, byon offers a comprehensive telephone conference platform as a service. This enables the fast and uncomplicated organization of telephone conferences with customers, partners or for team meetings. Functions such as: security PIN, access control, participant overview, moderator function and many more make the callpoint platform a useful conference tool.In order to use the full range of functions of the byon telephone conferencing plattform, additional licenses must be purchased directly from byon. For a consultation as well as a test setup, please contact us at

Selectable call number display for external telephony.The byon LineSelect App is designed for companies with teams or employees, that need to display different phone numbers for external calls. In the byon LineSelect Admin App, multiple lines with different phone numbers can be created and assigned to specific profiles. These profiles are then distributed to the employees. In the byon LineSelect User App the employees can select their required profile and change the outgoing phone number as needed.

The byon vACD app allows users to access the byon contact center software (vACD) from the innovaphone myApps interface. This gives users the ability to manage and view key features of the vACD agent view. The integration provides a better user experience and eliminates the need to switch to a separate program or browser. In order to use the full range of functions of the byon vACD app, additional licenses must be purchased directly from byon. For a consultation as well as a test setup, please contact us at

With the byon vTK Portal, customers of the byon vTK (telephone system from the cloud, based on innovaphone systems, such as IPVA or innovaphone Gateway) receive a powerful tool for managing their cloud telephone system. The functions include: Create and manage users, create groups and assign calls, manage devices and licenses, create and edit queues and announcements, view statistics and reports, bulk edit and manage user objects and much more. How you can use the byon vTK portal, which by the way is whitelabel capable and can be provided with your logo and colors, optimally for you or your customers, we will be happy to tell you in a personal consultation. Please feel free to contact us at

With byon WhoIsOn for innovaphone myApps you get an app, which displays the presence statuses of Microsoft Teams members and those of innovaphone PBX users in one interface. This means you have all participants from both worlds available in one view. In the free version of this app, it is possible to connect a client in Microsoft Teams (this requires the byon WhoIsOn Microsoft Teams app - for more information see the byon WhoIsOn article in the innovaphone Wiki) and a client from innovaphone myApps. In order to display the users, as well as their presence status from Microsoft Teams, further settings in your Microsoft Azure environment are required (- for more information see byon WhoIsOn article in the innovaphone Wiki)

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Le soluzioni di collaborazione e comunicazione innovaphone rispondono in modo ottimale alle esigenze di mobilità e personalizzazione delle moderne aziende. Rivolgiti a noi per una consulenza!

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