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Queue Board is an easy way to improve the quality of your corporate communication by using this app to get an overview (live and the supervisor also historical) of the waiting time and the number of callers. You can see how many callers and after how long these callers gave up the wait. Give each individual team member (call agent) and the supervisor an easy way for all team members to log in or out of the group. If you want to keep an eye on several waiting queues at the same time, simply open the desired waiting queues next to each other on the supervisor monitor or visible to the team on a larger display. The information can just as well be viewed mobile on a smartphone. In addition, the following can be configured in the app: wrap-up time, how active agents are counted, alarm thresholds and the resetting of values. A supervisor can also be a call agent at the same time.
Ottimizza la gestione delle chiamate per una maggiore efficienza e soddisfazione dei tuoi clienti
Le soluzioni di collaborazione e comunicazione innovaphone rispondono in modo ottimale alle esigenze di mobilità e personalizzazione delle moderne aziende. Rivolgiti a noi per una consulenza!