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Appinion can facilitate decision-making processes by quickly and easily asking myApps users for their opinion. You can determine yourself how many answer options you offer the user to choose from. The creator of the poll sees the voting result in percent, as well as how many votes were cast. An app that every company should have installed.
Per tutti i gateway innovaphone con certificati SSL validi, i certificati vengono richiesti automaticamente al provider Let's Encrypt, creati e installati sui dispositivi locali. In questo modo i dispositivi dispongono sempre di un certificato SSL valido a livello globale e possono comunicare via HTTPS.
Così come la Alarm App, anche la Events App è un tool di monitoraggio per amministratori. Al suo interno si trova l’archivio di tutti i messaggi di errore che si sono verificati nel sistema, compresi quelli che sono già stati risolti. A scelta è possibile cancellare i singoli eventi o tutti gli eventi contenuti nella App.
PhoneLink for innovaphone is an auto-provisioning app, allowing innovaphone administrators to add Snom phones seamlessly, by using the familiar innovaphone graphical interface. After going through the installation process, Snom phones can be added easily by just entering their MAC address.
Pinboard can replace the information board for notices in the company and saves eternal scrolling in chat histories. If you need or want to publish information to all users, this is the app for you. You can differentiate between long-term important information and short-term information by selecting an expiration date. In addition, this prevents the "eternal" hanging of obsolete information, e.g. in case of a change of responsibility, on the company information board.
Presence Favorites allows the creation of personal Presence Favorites. You can set the presence status color, the text and a time for how long this presence status should remain set before switching back to green/present. This way you can prevent forgetting to adjust the presence status after e.g. a fixed lunch break time.
With the Provisioning DECT app for Yealink, Yealink DECT devices can easily and quickly be integrated into an existing innovaphone PBX. All you need for the configuration (provisioning) of the respective end devices is the corresponding MAC address of the device. The Yealink phones that have been provisioned can then be managed via the Devices app.The app is a representative example for the integration of additional IP phones from other manufacturers. With our completely open and expandable platform architecture of myApps, we enable the development of provisioning apps for end devices from almost any manufacturer.
La Remote Control App è un'applicazione per l'accesso remoto a un PC/desktop. Questa applicazione può essere utilizzata dal reparto IT per il supporto remoto o come strumento di collaborazione all'interno di un’azienda.
The SNcom-VccClient app is a powerful extension for the Voxtron Communication Center, offering agents an optimized work environment. Hosted in myApps, this app allows agents in the Voxtron Communication Center to easily log in via the myApps application without the need for an additional Voxtron client application, change their personal status, and efficiently handle intelligently allocated phone calls through the VCC. Another feature is the synchronization between the VCC agent status and innovaphone Presence, ensuring up-to-date status information at all times. With its responsive design, the app is perfectly usable on both the desktop and mobile version of myApps.
Le soluzioni di collaborazione e comunicazione innovaphone rispondono in modo ottimale alle esigenze di mobilità e personalizzazione delle moderne aziende. Rivolgiti a noi per una consulenza!