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Analytics is the simple, comprehensive and visualized way of evaluating calls to reduce unanswered calls and optimize your business processes. You can easily keep track of a lot of data, mobile on a smartphone or on your pc monitor or a big screen for everyone.



MediaRunway | Bezpłatna

Appinion can facilitate decision-making processes by quickly and easily asking myApps users for their opinion. You can determine yourself how many answer options you offer the user to choose from. The creator of the poll sees the voting result in percent, as well as how many votes were cast. An app that every company should have installed.

Call Action connects ERP, CRM and other systems through a centralized adjustable call behavior for incoming but also terminated calls. Whether website call or Windows application, with or without individual employee parameters.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access. For licensing and test licensing please contact myApps-sales@mediarunway.comYou can find out the current price at

Call Info can show you important information about the caller in your myApps Phone App for easier and more qualitative (customer) communication. The app obtains the information from an external LDAP server, which in turn can collect its information from a wide variety of sources. With the editor integrated in the Admin App, you can create your individual display template so that more important information can be highlighted with bold letters, a larger font or color.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access. For licensing and test licensing please contact myApps-sales@mediarunway.comYou can find out the current price at

Callback2 is an app, which manages the callbacks of your company. Instead using email, paper, you got a modern interface for myApps that is compatible with your smartphone. In the Interface you can manage your own callbacks and have the possibility to create callbacks for other users. Every callback has a priority level, a status and an optional notice. These attributes can be changed by the sender or creator. Callbacks can be passed to other users or when finished moved into a history. All data changes of a callback are saved and can be seen by the users related to this. If you want, you could use the app to do some call notice instead of callbacks.Callback2 is the successor of the Callback App, with Team functionality. Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access.

Kamera umożliwia łatwy dostęp do obrazu wideo MJPEG z jednej lub kilku kamer IP. Czekamy na sugestie dotyczące przyszłych wersji tej aplikacji.

Contacts Manager

Contacts Manager

MediaRunway | Licencja innovaphone

Contacts Manager can keep the address data of the innovaphone Contacts App regularly synchronized with one or more external data sources.

Doorbell displays a high-resolution image of the corresponding video doorbell in myApps even before the call is answered and enables direct door opening by means of a displayed button, instead of overburdening the user with poor image quality and key combinations that have to be remembered for such an actually simple process.

ESENTA I Door communication THINKING AHEAD! A wide range of options, simple operation, central configuration of doorbell plates. Uncomplicated voice and video via WebRTC as an alternative to SIP.

Favorite Contacts

Favorite Contacts

MediaRunway | Licencja innovaphone

Favorite Contacts allows to manage more than 32 contacts in groups for quick access. So communication over multiple departments, locations and with federation is quicker and more comfortable.Licensing: One license per service (pbx-system), no user license needed.

Hotdesk allows an easy change of telephones when you change your workplace. This can be done by one click in the windows myApps Client. Tested with innovaphone and SNOM telephones.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access.

iFrame is an application that allows you to centrally and easily manage access to a company's corporate application website which is iframe compatible for example ERP, CRM or other information systems and you could decide to add the user SIP ID or an user individual string to the configured url.

The app inno2TANSS needs the ticketsystem "TANSS®" and a licensed innovaphone reporting. The app pushes the call information to the ticketsystem. In the ticketsystem you can use the integrated call lists and you got visualise the call information in your timelines. Everything will be configured in the inno2TANSS admin app, and then it works in the background, no app for the user needs to be started. Licensing: You need one license for one PBX and ticketsystem connection. No user licensing. For licensing and test licensing please contact myApps-sales@mediarunway.comYou can find out the current price at

Internet Radio

Internet Radio

MediaRunway | Bezpłatna

Internet Radio allows to pick your favorites from many radio stations. During phone calls, the radio gets muted automatically, so you can concentrate on the phone call. When the phone call ends, the radio resumes.

Phone Control allows the user to mute his phone in homeoffice while beeing in the office and vice versa. The user also gets a list of phone devices where he is currently logged in.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access.



MediaRunway | Bezpłatna

Pinboard can replace the information board for notices in the company and saves eternal scrolling in chat histories. If you need or want to publish information to all users, this is the app for you. You can differentiate between long-term important information and short-term information by selecting an expiration date. In addition, this prevents the "eternal" hanging of obsolete information, e.g. in case of a change of responsibility, on the company information board.

Presence Heartbeat

Presence Heartbeat

MediaRunway | Licencja Partnera

Presence Heartbeat improve the clarity of the myApps presence state of your employees, in which the color and the text are automatically set with a preset when the Windows screen lock is activated and unlocked again, as well as when Windows logs on and logs off/ shutdown. This works on the local Windows PC as well as in a Windows Terminal session.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access. For licensing and test licensing please contact



MediaRunway | Bezpłatna

Presence Favorites allows the creation of personal Presence Favorites. You can set the presence status color, the text and a time for how long this presence status should remain set before switching back to green/present. This way you can prevent forgetting to adjust the presence status after e.g. a fixed lunch break time.

Queue Board (kolejka) poprawia w prosty sposób jakość komunikacji w firmach, dając podgląd (na żywo, a także historyczny) czasu oczekiwania i liczby dzwoniących. Możesz zobaczyć, dzwoniących i także po jakim czasie zostały połączenia porzucone. Zapewnij każdemu użytkownikowi grupy (agentowi telefonicznemu) i przełożonemu łatwy sposób logowania i wylogowywania się z grupy dla wszystkich użytkowników. Jeśli chcesz mieć na oku kilka kolejek oczekujących w tym samym czasie, otwórz żądane kolejki oczekujące obok siebie na monitorze przełożonego lub widoczne dla całego zespołu na większym wyświetlaczu. Informacje można równie zobaczyć na komórce. Ponadto w aplikacji można skonfigurować: czas zakończenia, sposób zliczania aktywnych użytkowników, progi alarmowe i resetowanie wartości. Przełożony może być jednocześnie użytkownikiem grupy i też telefonować.



MediaRunway | Licencja Partnera

TANSS TK PopUp lets caller information appear in the TANSS® when a call comes in, and then automatically fades out a few seconds after the call ends. Create a better customer experience without clicking and typing.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access. For licensing and test licensing please contact myApps-sales@mediarunway.comYou can find out the current price at

VIP Call allows you to create a Fastlane ticket for VIP customers and other calls using a PIN. So that a team can be prioritized or an employee can be reached directly. This enables a better experience on both sides of the phone line, can speed up processes and increase customer satisfaction.Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access. For licensing and test licensing please contact myApps-sales@mediarunway.comYou can find out the current price at

W czym możemy pomóc?


Każda firma ma różne potrzeby w zakresie komunikacji. Rozwiązania UC innovaphone można w każdej chwili elastycznie dopasować do zmieniających się warunków zgodnie z aktualnymi wymaganiami i potrzebami. Chętnie pomożemy w wyborze platformy komunikacyjnej dopasowanej do potrzeb Twojej firmy.

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Nasza strona internetowa używa plików cookie (tzw. ciasteczka), aby zapewnić Państwu optymalną obsługę strony internetowej. Dotyczy to zarówno plików cookie, które są niezbędne do działania strony, jak i tych, które są wykorzystywane wyłącznie do anonimowych celów statystycznych lub do ustawień ułatwiających wyświetlanie specjalnych treści. Każdy użytkownik może sam zdecydować, na które kategorie plików cookie chce wyrazić zgodę. Należy pamiętać, że w oparciu o wybrane ustawienia, nie wszystkie funkcje strony mogą być dostępne. Jeśli zaakceptowane zostaną wszystkie pliki cookie, użytkownik będzie miał pełny dostęp do usług naszej strony internetowej. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, prosimy zapoznać się z naszą  Polityką Prywatności.