Découvrez tous nos Partenaires développeurs et éditeurs d'applications

Avec la plateforme myApps, nous offrons à nos Partenaires éditeurs d’applications (App-Partner) la possibilité de développer leurs propres applications et de les intégrer très facilement à l’écosystème myApps. Ce concept rencontre un franc succès, puisqu’un grand nombre d’App-Partner ont déjà développé de nouvelles applis qui ne cessent d’enrichir notre portefeuille d’applications.

Jugez vous-même de la diversité de notre gamme.

Nous misons sur une collaboration étroite et fondée sur la confiance avec nos App-Partner. D’alleurs leur communauté ne cesse de s’agrandir avec chaque nouveau Partenaire. Rejoignez vous aussi notre communauté d’App-Partner et développez vos propres idées et applications. Nous attendons de vos nouvelles avec impatience !


Nos App-Partner se présentent ici dans l’ordre alphabétique :



Logo der Firma aurenz GmbH

aurenz GmbH 
Your experienced partner for UC analytics and call accounting. With over 40 years of experience, strong partners and privacy-compliant solutions, we optimise your communications. Our 30,000+ UC installations provide seamless integration and competitive advantage. Discover Dynamic Teams, our Innovaphone application for group management. Trust aurenz for world-class UC solutions.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner aurenz GmbH. 


bosbec develop and sells an automation platform where you build solutions in a low code environment. The user integrates Innovaphone PBX and easily creates new functions in a workflow builder. The service can be easily published in innovaphone myApps.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner bosbec. 


Logo von der Firma byon gmbh

byon is part of the 360 ITC group of companies, which takes a holistic approach to customer service for the modern workplace. Our services include UCC solutions such as cloud telephony, virtual ACD, telephony for MS Teams, IP voice connections, data circuits and managed IT services & security such as SD-WAN. This enables a step-by-step migration and integration of your infrastructure into future-proof designs. 

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner byon.


Logo von der Firma comtelo GbR

comtelo stands for streamlined communication and collaboration. We always think one step ahead and embrace the opportunities and challenges of the digital future. We identify customer-specific needs and bring them to life in an interdisciplinary team with individual applications and specific solutions. Always with the aim of achieving the greatest possible added value for our customers.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner comtelo.


Logo der Firma effexx Kommunikations- und Meldesysteme GmbH u. Co. KG

As a system provider,effexx develops customised business technologies in the areas of communication, digitalisation and networking. The focus is always on modern solution concepts that are tailored to the individual needs of the customer. effexx provides advice from project planning to implementation with personal contacts and supports customers with its own helpdesk.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner effex.


Logo der Firma Gigaset Communications GmbH

Gigaset is an international communications technology company and the European market leader in DECT telephony.

Since 1941, Gigaset has been manufacturing high-quality products such as single and multi-cell telephones, handsets and desktop telephones in Germany, helping its customers to secure their business through seamless communication.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner Gigaset


Logo von der Firma ilink Kommunikationssysteme GmbH

Since 1990, ilink has been developing software solutions and providing Unified Communications (UC) products and services to its partners and customers. In addition to our standard UC products for telephony and audio integration, they rely in particular on ilink software for use in the enterprise and contact centre markets. Our customised solutions intelligently connect disparate UC systems in the data centre and in the cloud.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner ilink 


Logo der Firma K-Businesscom AG

K-Businesscom is a distributor of innovaphone, Yealink, AudioCodes, Aseko, jtel, Novomind and Kuando Busylight and a developer of applications for the myApps environment. The basis for our successful communication solutions is our 20 year partnership with innovaphone. In addition, as a certified innovaphone training centre, we pass on the know-how of our highly qualified employees to our customers.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner K-Business.



Logo der Firma MediaRunway GmbH & Co.KG.

MediaRunway, innovaphone technology and myApps developer partner, stands for development ideas and fast implementation. Our solutions have already helped innovaphone partners to win projects and tenders. In addition to standard solutions, we also offer customisations and individual apps.

Together with the innovaphone partners, we want to make the myApps universe unbeatable!

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner MediaRunway.


Logo der Firma Mediterranean Consulting Barcelona S.L.

Mediterranean Consulting 
Mediterranean Consulting is an experienced company specialising in strategy, technology, organisation and quality. Founded more than 15 years ago, we have a software factory where we carry out the programming of advanced software solutions throughout the entire cycle: Analysis, Development, Implementation and Support.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner Mediterranean Consulting.


Logo der Firma Snom Technology GmbH

snom, founded in 1997 and based in Berlin, Germany, Snom is one of the pioneers of IP telephony.

Originally founded as a start-up, Snom has grown into a multinational company and manufacturer of the first and leading brand of IP telephones for the professional and corporate sector. Today, Snom is a cosmopolitan, international company with offices in Manchester, Milan, Madrid, Paris and Pretoria.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner snom.


Logo der Firma trizwo GmbH IT & Communication

trizwo GmbH IT & Communication is a system house for corporate communications. We equip companies, institutions and public authorities with state-of-the-art technology for digital communication and specialise in innovaphone technology. We offer an all-round service: from consulting, workshops, installation and training to maintenance and support as well as the development of applications.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner triwzo GmbH & Communication. 


Logo der Firma XQTING bv.

We are a team of talented software developers, designers and business experts dedicated to delivering innovative software solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers. Our software and application solutions are tailored to the specific needs of each client to ensure they get the most out of their investment. We work together as a team to design, develop and implement various digital transformation projects.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner XQTING.


Firmenlogo unseres Technologie-Partners Yealink

Yealink is a leading global provider of Unified Communication & Collaboration solutions, specialising in video conferencing, voice communication and collaboration. Yealink is committed to ensuring that every person and organisation can enjoy the benefits of ’Easy Collaboration, High Productivity’.

Plus d’infos ? Découvrez ici toutes les applications développées par notre App-Partner Yealink.



Verschiedene bunte myApps icons und eine Lupe untersucht die blaue hotdesking App

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Chaque entreprise est unique avec des exigences individuelles qui évoluent en permanence. Les solutions innovaphone peuvent être composées et adaptées sur mesure à tout moment. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin d’aide pour votre projet.

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